Visualization of New Testament metaphors

Made by Joost Zwarts
in collaboration with the Digital Humanities Lab
Utrecht University, the Netherlands

The circle shows semantic domains in the New Testament.
Hover over a domain to see how it is related to other domains.
Click on a domain to see the metaphors themselves.

This visualization is based on information from
the Louw-Nida lexicon of the Greek New Testament.
Example: the lexicon gives γυμνός, with the senses
(a) 'naked' (domain 49 Clothing and Adorning)
(b) 'easily known' (domain 28 Knowledge).
This gives rise to the metaphor EASILY KNOWN IS NAKED,
mapping from domain 49 to domain 28.
To understand more about how this is done see these slides.

It uses D3 Hierarchical Edge Bundling by Mike Bostock.

Unfortunately, it does not seem to work in Internet Explorer,
but it does in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari.

Refresh the page (↻) to return to the first page.